Dog Memorials – The Perfect Way to Say Goodbye

The passing of a beloved canine friend can be extremely distressing and difficult to accept. Dog memorials are the perfect way to say goodbye and to show that they are not forgotten and will always live within your heart. Dog memorial plaques can be discreetly placed in a special spot which has significance to your time spent together. This can also assist with the grieving process, which is an essential step in coming to terms with the loss and at the same time honouring your pet. Letting go of the grief, doesn't break the unique bond you have experienced.

If others are unable to fully appreciate how your four-legged friend was a much loved member of your family, instead of avoiding sharing your feelings, they can be invited to join you in the placing of the pet memorial plaque. This will help them to understand just how much your canine companion has enriched your life and why you need to say goodbye with respect and love.

Perhaps you were unable to lay your cherished dog to rest in a place you can visit often. Their ashes however can be scattered along a well-trodden path or buried in a beautiful and peaceful spot which has happy memories for you both.  Pets Remembered have many dog memorial ideas, with touching messages or a photo of your furry friend.  These memorials can be positioned in your own garden with floral tributes or in the midst of flowers which will bloom each Spring as a sign of the continuing circle of life. You may choose to lovingly preserve their ashes in a beautiful memorial urn for safe keeping.

If you are reading this as a friend or family member of a pet owner who has suffered a loss, dog memorials make the perfect gifts to show that you recognise their depth of sadness and to give your support.  This can bring much needed comfort during a time of great sadness, ensuring they aren't alone or isolated in their mourning.  For more ideas to remember a lost pet, please visit our website


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