Celebrating the Life of a Beloved Pet When They Pass Away

When the life of a beloved pet comes to an end and they are no longer physically with us, the feeling of grief can be overwhelming. As pet owners ourselves, at Pets Remembered we can relate to the strength of the bond which has been forged between you and how bleak the future may seem without their presence. During this time of mourning it's also important to focus on the good times you have spent together and the comfort that precious memories can bring. Adjusting to a new routine can be challenging, especially if previous habits have centred around social activities with fellow pet owners, such as daily walks or time shared together with your faithful furry companions. Following the loss of a pet, you may feel excluded at a time when you are most in need of understanding and support. Memorialising a pet provides the opportunity for friends and other members of your family to join in a celebration of your pet's life and to express their condolences in their...